Antonio Perales Ybarra and Luis López Rodríguez, new Area Directors at SiGLA

After several years of responsibility in the company,

SiGLA promotes Antonio Perales Ybarra and Luis López Rodríguez

Both managers had been working in positions of responsibility since the founding of the company in 2010.
With more than twenty years of professional experience, this year 2021 SiGLA promotes the two executives to the position of area directors after their participation in a varied portfolio of promotion, investment and development projects in commercial real estate assets.

New Investment Director

Antonio Perales Ybarra trained at the University of Navarra, Technical School of Architecture, where he also completed a Master’s Degree in Education.

He also has a Master’s Degree in Management and Comprehensive Management of Real Estate and Construction Companies, and in his continuous training he has recent programs from the CEU Institute for Advanced Management.

After six years of activity in the area of ​​Architecture, he has served for 18 more years as project and operations director.


New Development Director

Luis López Rodríguez is a lawyer specializing in real estate development, specifically in relation to urban planning and legalization and the promotion of Shopping Centers. In addition to having a degree in Law, he is an API from the Ministry of Development and a Master in Legal Practice.

His career includes the legalization and development of supermarket chains, shopping centers, gas stations and logistics platforms throughout the country.

He has also been and is a member of the Compensation Board of several PPOUs.

His professional activity is completed in teaching with his participation in the Masters in Commercial Urban Planning at the University of Alcalá de Henares.




[box title=”About SiGLA” inner_padding=”small”]

Si-GLA is a company for the promotion, services and investments in commercial real estate assets that has managed to gather exceptional human capital coordinated in three areas of work: Urban Development, Investment and Development, and Commercial Management.

Shopping Centers, Service Stations, Logistics Platforms, Car Parks, Establishment Chains, Movie Theaters,… are the object of their activity, whether it is the promotion and planning of new investments or construction, or whether it is asset improvement. real estate, purchases, sales or commercial and asset management.

After years of experience, Si-GLA professionals have developed more than 30 large Shopping Centers, 60 gas stations, a hundred hypermarkets, logistics platforms, etc… being the leading company in its sector due to experience, capacity, service, and now also, in innovation for sustainability and energy efficiency in the construction and start-up of commercial establishments.

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The technology company Data4 will install several Data Centers in Spain

The French group has hired SiGLA to carry out several real estate operations in our country.

The technology company Data4 will install several Data Centers in Spain.

Alcobendas is the first of these facilities and is already in operation.

Owned by AXA Investment Managers – Real Assets, Data4 was created in 2006, in the former Alcatel industrial plant, a strategic location due to its proximity to the Paris-Saclay technology ecosystem, its exceptional real estate footprint (111ha) and also a history of more than 60 years of technological development and innovation.
The group designs, builds and operates solid, ultra-connected and intelligent data center infrastructures, where a whole set of services and hosting platforms converge.
With the aim of being the European leader in this type of cutting-edge real estate assets, Data4 currently has 19 data centers in France, Italy, Luxembourg and Spain, and has real estate and electricity reserves with the capacity to build 22 centers. additional.

Eroski inaugurates a supermarket developed by SiGLA

Last Thursday, September 17, it opened to the public

Eroski has inaugurated the last of its supermarkets developed entirely by SiGLA in Navarra

Despite Covid’19, SiGLA has managed to deliver the supermarket to Eroski on time and fully equipped.

The new supermarket is located in the Plaza de la Mujer in the Navarrese municipality of Zizur Mayor, a town in Alfoz Pamplona, ​​and aims to meet the needs of the public residing in the new neighborhood of Ardoi, an area of ​​the new urban layout that accompanies the flow of the A-12 highway to Logroño, in the northwest area of ​​Pamplona.

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SteelBox opens its doors in the Móstoles Technology Park

After overcoming all the administrative conditions

SteelBox opens its doors and 10 companies already operate in its Móstoles Technology Park complex

The construction works finished in May, and it was not until the end of July when the City Council issued the opening license.

The Covid’19 crisis has necessarily modified SiGLA’s plans for this project, especially with regard to development and opening deadlines. The positive aspect of this crisis is the marketing, since SteelBox has been designed for self-employed professionals and micro-businesses that need sufficient and efficient space, with hardly any financial effort. In this way, the crisis has aroused great interest among professionals who seek to develop their activity with the best means and without superfluous costs.

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Sigla finishes the works at SteelBox Móstoles

An innovative product in the industrial real estate sector

Sigla manages to finish the works at SteelBox Móstoles despite the Covid19 crisis

The advanced state of the works has ensured its completion despite the necessary break in the second fortnight of the Health Alert.

The complex is located on Julio Cervera Street in the technological estate, in front of the ThyssenKrupp industrial complex, and occupies a 2,520m2 plot of land for the construction of two parallel buildings and their corresponding provision of parking and services.

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A health crisis was not included in our portfolio of “unforeseen events”

Is the commercial real estate development sector prepared for the New Normal?

Alfonso Villacorta, CEO of SiGLA

At the end of the 17th century, the English discovered black swans in Australia. A shock, given that in Europe it was believed that all swans were white.
Three hundred years later, a Lebanese mathematician, Taileb, published a book with the title The Black Swan, in which he explains his theories. A black swan is an event a) highly improbable, b) of high impact and c) once it happens, it tends to be explained with logical reasoning.

Is the coronavirus a black swan? For most it seems so, but for others the event had nothing “highly improbable”. It seems that what is truly important is to recognize that we were not prepared, not only in terms of health, and that when it happened it was not known, neither diagnosed nor solved, mainly because when the future is negative we always tend to underestimate it.

The new crisis has brought us, among others, an acceleration of digitalization, greater state control, less middle class and poorer, more teleworking and electronic commerce, and new economic discussions, some about the value of Chinese authoritarian capitalism or a new idealized collectivism.

How all this influences our sector, it already seems catastrophic and we must work with that. A structural change is going to be imposed on us and it is necessary for us to be on the front line to adapt our businesses to the new reality. The success of our companies will depend on our success in this adaptation, foreseeing it, planning it and mainly making the right decisions; That is, what has always marked the success or failure of a business project.


SiGLA, a new turnkey supermarket for Eroski in Zizur Mayor

In the first half of last December, the earthworks and foundations began

SiGLA completes the works of a new “turnkey” supermarket for Eroski in the municipality of Alfoz Pamplona Zizur Mayor

The new Eroski establishment is located in the Plaza de La Mujer and aims to meet the needs of the public residing in the new neighborhood of Ardoi, in the northwest of the municipality.

Investment, project engineering, project management, construction, installations, complete equipment, decoration and finishes have been the services that SiGLA has provided for Eroski in this case. A “turnkey” establishment in which the operator goes directly in to place his merchandise on the shelves. Even the sale of the property has already been negotiated with an investor who will assume ownership once the development is completed.

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ALDI inaugurates its second supermarket in Guipúzcoa

After the Aldi in Gernika, also developed by SiGLA,

ALDI inaugurates its second supermarket in Guipúzcoa

This Wednesday, March 4, it opened its doors to the public after seven months of development and one of fitting out and equipping.

The one in Eibar is the second establishment of the German operator in the province of Guipúzcoa and the twelfth in the Basque Country, and represents for SiGLA, Servicios e Inversiones en GLA, the third operation with the German operator, after a due diligence in Logroño and another recent investment in a newly created establishment in Gernika. In both cases, these are financial investments created and coordinated by SiGLA and intended for investment companies and family offices that are looking for turnkey products with high and long-term profitability.

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