SiGLA News

The “Turkey Race” is celebrated with the sponsorship of Parque Comercial Guiomar.

The 81st edition had more than 100 registrations.

The popular cycling competition takes place at the foot of the aqueduct on Christmas Day, breaking records for the number of spectators and participants.

The day was cold, as it could not be otherwise, on Christmas Day in Segovia. The thermometer did not reach 7 degrees, but a crystal clear sky gave us a beautiful morning for all of us who came to the foot of the Segovian aqueduct to enjoy the most popular of the Christmas sporting events.

The 8 participants of the first edition are left behind to, after 81 years, manage to exceed 100 participants, exactly 101 in 2016. Likewise, the influx of public has also exceeded all expectations, with thousands of Segovians and visitors who have enjoyed such a unique competition.

The veteran Julio Martín has won the Pavo this year for the sixth consecutive time, which demonstrates his strength and refined technique for promotion. However, in this edition three jump-offs have had to be held as 8 runners have reached the finish line without setting foot on the ground. Rafael Sanz and Daniel Torres have taken the Pato and the Pularda respectively.

The “Turkey Race” is a curious cycling competition that is held with bicycles without a chain-transmission, so the runners must gain maximum momentum on the descent of the first section of the route to achieve the greatest possible distance and reach the finish line. . Being the last stretch uphill, the ingenuity of the participants has played an important role over the years, developing mechanical variations in the bicycles and movements of the runner that achieve, in very few cases, an ascent of 300m. until you reach the goal.

As on previous occasions, the participation of cycling ace Pedro Delgado has enlivened the event, managing to surpass his personal record, although far behind the winners.

The promoter company SiGLA has sponsored this sporting event as part of its launch program for the Guiomar Commercial Park in Segovia, collaborating with the 53×13 Cycling Club, organizer of the competition, in its organization expenses as well as with the delivery of a professional bicycle for its base sports school.

After the presentation of the trophies, the sports councilor of the Segovia City Council, Mª Ángeles Rueda, and Armando Martín as president of the Club have received the precious contribution from the communication manager of Parque Comercial Guiomar.

The Guiomar Commercial Park was presented on November 29 in an event in which the mayor of Segovia participated. It has 34,000 m2 for nine stores, from 750 to 3,000 m2, intended for the establishment of commercial distribution operators in sectors such as fashion, DIY, household appliances, food, sports, pets, gardening, automobiles,… and more than 600 spaces of parking. The commercial opportunity that Segovia represents stands out as one of the few provincial capitals in which there is no “medium store” commercial park, the only format in which some of the most popular chain stores are developed.

Si-GLA is a company for the promotion, services and investments in commercial real estate assets that works by coordinating three areas: Urban Promotion, Investment and Development, and Commercial and Asset Management.