SiGLA News

SiGLA will develop a new Eroski supermarket in Bilbao

From the company’s engineering and project management area

SiGLA is in charge of the development of a new Eroski supermarket in the Zorroza neighborhood of Bilbao.

After 42 years of activity, the Zorroza neighborhood says goodbye to the old Omega Market and welcomes a modern Eroski Contigo supermarket.

SiGLA’s engineering and project management area will take the reins of this emblematic project once the purchase of the market has been completed this summer 2018. Originally the property was divided into 40 properties and it has not been until now that each merchant has sold to a common company to later accept Eroski’s offer for the entire property, an arduous task of negotiations between the shopkeepers to value each part, taking into account that some stalls remained open and doing business, and others closed for years.

The resulting premises consist of an area of ​​2,300m2 on the ground floor that occupies the central area of ​​the block formed by Hermógenes Rojo, Abaro and Fray Juan streets, in the Zorroza neighborhood, under a building built in 1975, the year it was founded. of the old market. The developer already has a demolition license and in the coming days it is expected to obtain a works and activity license in order to begin work in the first days of July.
SiGLA’s role as project engineering and Project Manager will be to convert the old market into a modern Eroski supermarket of its new “Contigo” model that is bringing so much success to the Basque operator. Once the supermarket is finished and with 1,500m2 of sales room, it will have all the “dry” food sections and assisted sales sections for fresh products.
such as butchery, delicatessen, fishmonger and bakery, in addition to having the drugstore, perfumery, pets and various services sections that the new Contigo model includes.
After five months of work, SiGLA expects to deliver the establishment in the last days of November for its opening days before the Christmas ’18 campaign begins.
This will be the fifth supermarket development operation that SiGLA undertakes in the last two years for Eroski after the opening in 2017 of Tellagorri in Bilbao capital, Easo in the center of San Sebastián, Azpeitia in Guipúzcoa and Jolastokieta, this same year ’18 , also in the capital of Gipuzkoa.