SiGLA News

SiGLA moves its northern headquarters to the Bizkaia Technology Park

The new headquarters responds to the company’s plans for the coming years.

SiGLA, which has its headquarters at number 45 Serrano Street in Madrid, has acquired new offices for its northern headquarters and is making the move in these first days of April 2016.

Since the company was founded in 2010, the northern headquarters were located in the Bilbondo Commercial Park, in Basauri, in offices that it now leaves to occupy 470m2 in building 804 of the Bizkaia Technology Park, in Derio.

The Bizkaia Science and Technology Park, also known as Zamudio Technology Park, is located between Zamudio and Derio, 10 minutes from the center of Bilbao and 2 minutes from Loiu airport, in the northwest of the metropolitan area of ​​“Greater Bilbao”.

With almost 300 hectares of surface and 220 companies installed, nearly 8,000 people currently work in the Park in the most diverse sectors linked to innovation and cutting-edge technologies in telecommunications, biosciences, engineering, energy, aeronautics or automotive, among others.

The move to this new location responds to SiGLA’s plans for the coming years and the planned activity in R&D&I, energy efficiency, engineering and development of new innovative products and services within the real estate infrastructure and equipment promotion sector. of a commercial and endowment nature.

SiGLA maintains projects over 200,000m2 of buildable area, 70,000m2 of GLA under ownership and manages more than 150,000m2 of GLA for its clients, as well as extensive management, marketing and commercial urban planning advice.