SiGLA News

SiGLA develops a new refrigerated logistics platform in Mercapalma

This time in Mercapalma, to serve the entire Balearic community.

SiGLA finalizes a new logistics platform for fresh products for Eroski.

Those responsible for the project plan to open 100% of the facility by the end of November and full operation at Christmas.

It is a newly built platform on a 19,000 m2 plot in Mercapalma, in which 11,000 m2 have been built, of which 10,000 m2 are a huge cold storage warehouse and the rest is divided between offices, control and auxiliary units.

These facilities are designed exclusively for the storage and distribution of fresh and frozen products from the Fish Market, Butchery and Delicatessen, Fruit Shop and Frozen Foods sections, and are added to the “dry product” logistics platform that Eroski has in the Marrachí industrial estate. , just two thousand meters from Mercapalma.

The new plant incorporates cutting-edge technological advances in the distribution sector to reduce energy consumption and minimize the environmental impact of this new facility.

To this end, a cold production plant has been designed with a cascade architecture that uses CO2 as a refrigerant gas, thereby obtaining high energy performance with practically zero environmental impact. Likewise, the lighting equipment installed is light-emitting diodes (LED) that achieve energy savings of 60%.

A BMS (Building Management System) control system governs the three energy-consuming facilities: lighting, air conditioning and industrial refrigeration, monitoring their behavior and managing their performance in order to obtain the greatest efficiency.

SiGLA, as delegated promoter of the Eroski Group in this case, began developing this project in April 2012 with the aim of having the facilities operational for the 2013 Christmas campaign, a challenge that is about to be achieved.

SiGLA specialists have already developed the platforms of this distribution group in Zaragoza and Malaga, in both cases with more than 25,000m2. Likewise, SiGLA has been responsible for the renovation and expansion of the logistics platform of the Distribution Group’s headquarters in the Basque Country, a 40,000 m2 fully robotic facility.