SiGLA News

SiGLA delivers two new gas stations to Eroski, one in Guipuzcoa and another in the Balearic Islands

SiGLA develops two new turnkey facilities.

The new gas stations in Azkoitia and Sa Pobla are already operating at full capacity.

Together with the gas stations for Caprabo in Gerona and Eroski in Estella, SiGLA consolidates its status as a specialist in this type of asset.

The Azkoitia gas station is the last development from last year to be delivered. The new facilities opened their doors to the public on January 30, 2019 and after a brief period of monitoring and follow-up, all their capacities are considered valid.

It is a compact gas station that the SiGLA engineering team has developed for Eroski in the parking lot of the supermarket it has in the Guipuzcoan town, and which consists of a pump on two streets with four nozzles, two for 95 gasoline and two for diesel A. It is worth highlighting the minimal space that this installation occupies since only four parking spaces have been sacrificed for its implementation.

The Mallorcan gas station has been established in the town of Sa Pobla, in the north of the island and is the third that SiGLA develops in the Balearic Islands. In this case, an installation with two in-line dispensers and eight nozzles that is carried out in an extension of the parking lot made for this purpose.

The two facilities do not require personnel, operating in self-service 24 hours a day with credit, debit or prepaid cards, although during opening hours of the attached supermarket its staff assists gas station customers if requested.

In both cases they are gas stations in which SiGLA is responsible for the execution project, development and construction, also acting as a delegated investor.

With the four projects delivered in 2018, SiGLA consolidates its position as a specialist in the development of gas stations, service stations and compact gas stations, also called “low cost gas stations”, with more than 50 facilities operating at full capacity.

SiGLA is a company for the promotion, services and investments in commercial real estate assets that has managed to gather exceptional human capital coordinated in three areas of work: Urban Development, Investment and Development, and Commercial Management.

Shopping Centers, Service Stations, Logistics Platforms, Car Parks, Establishment Chains, Movie Theaters,… are the object of their activity, whether it is the promotion and planning of new investments or construction, or whether it is asset improvement. real estate, purchases, sales or commercial and asset management.

After years of experience, Si-GLA professionals have developed more than 30 large Shopping Centers, 60 gas stations, a hundred hypermarkets, logistics platforms, etc… being the leading company in its sector due to experience, capacity, service, and now also, in innovation for sustainability and energy efficiency in the construction and start-up of commercial establishments.

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