SiGLA News

SiGLA concludes and delivers its sixth logistics platform

It has been operating at full capacity since last January.

SiGLA has completed the development of its sixth logistics platform in Mercapalma.

Developed for Eroski, it achieves energy savings of up to 32%.

Those responsible for SiGLA delivered this logistics platform for refrigerated products to the client on January 8 and are currently monitoring all consumption and emissions parameters since the facility is loaded with eco-efficient technical solutions aimed at minimizing consumption. energy and environmental impact.

It is a newly built platform on a 19,000m2 plot of land in Mercapalma and whose objective is the storage and distribution of fresh and frozen Eroski products for the more than 190 points of sale that the Basque group and its franchisees have in the Balearic community.

The facilities have 38 docks between reception and dispatch that provide flow to the product traffic generated by 8,325 square meters of positive cold warehouses (between 2º and 4º) for the dairy, fruit, butcher, delicatessen and fish sections, and another 1,700 m2 of negative cold chambers (-26ºC) for frozen products of all types.

The platform is completed with 300m2 of traffic management offices at the foot of the warehouse and another 700m2 of general office that includes changing rooms and staff rooms, classrooms, administration and offices. Another 500m2 make up the surface destined for the body of facilities that includes medium and low voltage equipment, cold production, fire protection and motors.

With this platform there are now 6 facilities of this type that SiGLA professionals have developed throughout the country since 2004 when they launched their first logistics platform in Malaga, in this case also for the Eroski group.

The development in Mercapalma, which is now monitored to verify the benefit obtained from the implementation of a whole set of energy and environmental efficiency measures, hopes to culminate in the month of April with the implementation of a completely merchandise management system. robotic.