SiGLA News

SiGLA completes the works of a new Eroski in Azpeitia

A new Supermarket in the Basque Country for Eroski.

SiGLA completes the renovation and fitting out works of a new establishment in Azpeitia, Guipúzcoa.

The project has been developed over nine months and was delivered in October of this year 2017.

Indeed, the new Eroski supermarket in Azpeitia was inaugurated on Wednesday, October 18, and opened to the public on Thursday, the 19th, fulfilling the project plan.

In this case, SiGLA has acted as investor, project engineer and project manager, as well as general contractor, so the contribution in services and investments is complete, beyond a turnkey.

In Azpeitia it is a store in an industrial building located in the Juan XXIII neighborhood and whose renovation and rehabilitation as a Supermarket began last July. The works have lasted three months and include civil works, installations and complete equipment down to the last element of decoration, graphic image and marketing.

The building is free-standing and has a ground floor with parking for 24 vehicles and a first floor with another exclusive parking for clients with capacity for 70 vehicles.

The project includes a Supermarket with 1,400m2 of sales room in a total of 1,996m2 including access area and checkouts, refrigerated chambers, warehouses and staff quarters.

This new provision has required, in parallel, exterior urbanization works to update accessible sidewalks, two-way roads and some modification to the existing bike lane, and in this way adapt the immediate surroundings of an old industrial use to the new use. commercial, which will necessarily lead to a greater influx of public.


Si-GLA is a company for the promotion, services and investments in commercial real estate assets that has managed to gather exceptional human capital coordinated in three areas of work: Urban Development, Investment and Development, and Commercial Management.

Shopping Centers, Service Stations, Logistics Platforms, Car Parks, Establishment Chains, Movie Theaters,… are the object of their activity, whether it is the promotion and planning of new investments or construction, or whether it is asset improvement. real estate, purchases, sales or commercial and asset management.

After years of experience, Si-GLA professionals have developed more than 30 large Shopping Centers, 60 gas stations, a hundred hypermarkets, logistics platforms, etc… being the leading company in its sector due to experience, capacity, service, and now also, in innovation for sustainability and energy efficiency in the construction and start-up of commercial establishments.

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