Posts Tagged 'inversión'

ALDI inaugurates its second supermarket in Guipúzcoa

After the Aldi in Gernika, also developed by SiGLA,

ALDI inaugurates its second supermarket in Guipúzcoa

This Wednesday, March 4, it opened its doors to the public after seven months of development and one of fitting out and equipping.

The one in Eibar is the second establishment of the German operator in the province of Guipúzcoa and the twelfth in the Basque Country, and represents for SiGLA, Servicios e Inversiones en GLA, the third operation with the German operator, after a due diligence in Logroño and another recent investment in a newly created establishment in Gernika. In both cases, these are financial investments created and coordinated by SiGLA and intended for investment companies and family offices that are looking for turnkey products with high and long-term profitability.

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New SiGLA development for Eroski in Aretxabaleta

On October 17 it opened its doors to the public

The new SiGLA development for Eroski is already operational in Aretxabaleta.

This has been a project of special difficulty in the administrative field given the status of a building protected as an asset of industrial interest.

In this case, SiGLA technicians have acted as project engineering, urban management and works coordination, which is why they have had to work hard to overcome the administrative procedures involved in changing the planning and modifying the use of a protected building. Indeed, it is the old building that houses the workshops of the historic Azbe firm that manufactured padlocks and locks for decades.

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