SiGLA News

SiGLA presents the new Guiomar Commercial Park in Segovia

The development of this commercial endowment begins its countdown.

SiGLA presents the new Guiomar Commercial Park, the only one of its kind in Segovia.

The event was held in the cloister of the Hotel Convento Capuchinos with the attendance of representatives of the municipal corporation, forces and commercial distribution operators.

The mayor of Segovia, Clara Isabel Luquero de Nicolás, her councilor for Economy and Finance, Urban Planning, Housing and Rehabilitation, Alfonso Reguera García; The CEO of SiGLA Alfonso Villacorta, the engineer responsible for the project Iñigo García-Tejedor and Patricia Dias responsible for marketing of Gentalia, have formally presented the project this morning to the media, representatives of society and Segovian institutions and to numerous operators interested in settling in the new Commercial Park.

The presentation has been developed with the intervention of those responsible for the development company Servicios e Inversiones en GLA (SiGLA) accompanied by the mayor of Segovia and the area councilor of the city council. The turn of interventions was followed by a work appetizer in which local and specialized media have resolved doubts and uncertainties related to this long-awaited and desired project.

In his presentation, the CEO of SiGLA, has recounted the details of this commercial endowment since 2004, when the extinct Gelco began the procedures for the development of Guiomar Commercial Park. He has highlighted the benefits of this project, both from the point of view of investment, 22 million euros, and the creation of jobs, 200 direct jobs and as many indirect ones.

Likewise, it is worth highlighting the implementation of a commercial format that does not exist in Segovia and is complementary to traditional specialized commerce. Indeed, Parque Guiomar will bring to the city important brands that operate in a “medium surface” format that otherwise would not have had a place in the city, forcing Segovians to move to the mountains of Madrid or Valladolid.

For his part, Iñigo García-Tejedor, SiGLA engineer and responsible for materializing the Commercial Park, has indicated that the beginning of the works will take place in the first days of next January, with the execution of the preparatory work, the installation of the technical office and important earthmoving work since the site shows notable irregularities in the terrain; It involves preparing a flat platform of 34,000m2 on which a 12,000m2 building will be built, leaving the rest for vehicle parking and loading and unloading dock areas.

Regarding the deadlines, he has indicated that the execution budgets have already been closed and the negotiation with the companies in charge of the execution of the different construction items is being finalized. Therefore, the earthworks would extend to the month of May-June and the construction and fitting out of premises to the month of October-November, all with the aim that the Brands that settle in Parque Guiomar can open their Segovian facilities. ahead of the ’17-18 Christmas campaign.

Regarding the investment that this new project will receive, he pointed out that the estimated 22 million euros are divided into different items; on the one hand, the promotional work that includes the site, earthworks, the construction itself, the projects, the technical office, licenses and taxes with 10.2 million euros, and on the other hand the authorization and equipment of the different commercial establishments with 11.8 million.

Next, Patricia Dias, Marketing Director of the company Gentalia, spoke, a company contracted to ensure that the best operators install their brands in Parque Guiomar.

In his presentation, Dias presented Gentalia as the leading company in Spain in terms of management and marketing of shopping centers and parks, with more than 44 facilities of this type in its portfolio, which represents more than 1.4 million square meters. of GLA (gross leasable area) in 3,138 commercial premises distributed throughout Spain.

After a brief description of Parque Guiomar, the marketing manager highlighted the commercial opportunity that Segovia represents as one of the few provincial capitals in which there is no medium-sized commercial park, the only format in which some of the most popular chain stores. She also pointed out that, after a brief period of contacts, negotiations are open with more than a dozen companies interested in settling in the only commercial park that Segovia will have.

The new Commercial Park is located between the Transport Center and the FCC Services Park, on Vial Interpolígonos, 200 meters from the Luz de Castilla Shopping Center in the south of the capital of Segovia and within the framework of the Gelco-Ctra Partial Plan. San Rafael.

It is a commercial facility on a 34,000m2 plot with nine large semi-detached premises from 750 to 3,000m2 of sales room intended for the establishment of businesses in household appliances, IT, gardening, DIY, fashion and footwear, childcare, food, sporting goods. ,… and associated industrial uses such as automobile services and repair. It has a parking lot with capacity for more than 600 vehicles. It has access from the city center through the road that surrounds the Luz de Castilla Shopping Center, from the SG-20 ring road, from the access of the AP61 in Madrid and from the Hontoria Industrial Estate, at an important junction on the outskirts of Segovia.

This project is becoming a reality today thanks to SiGLA, a development company with extensive experience in the development and promotion of large commercial facilities, and it is the only project of its kind in the Castilian capital.

With this official presentation, SiGLA intends to begin earthworks and lay the first stone immediately, currently having all the permits and licenses for its development.

The expectation regarding the development of the only commercial park in Segovia has provoked a request for information from numerous commercial distribution operators who work in a “medium surface” format interested in settling in the new Guiomar Commercial Park, although the marketing company has not yet wanted to announce no signature.

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Si-GLA is a company for the promotion, services and investments in commercial real estate assets that has managed to gather exceptional human capital coordinated in three areas of work: Urban Development, Investment and Development, and Commercial Management.

Shopping Centers, Service Stations, Logistics Platforms, Car Parks, Establishment Chains, Movie Theaters,… are the object of their activity, whether it is the promotion and planning of new investments or construction, or whether it is asset improvement. real estate, purchases, sales or commercial and asset management.

After years of experience, Si-GLA professionals have developed more than 30 large Shopping Centers, 60 gas stations, a hundred hypermarkets, logistics platforms, etc… being the leading company in its sector due to experience, capacity, service, and now also, in innovation for sustainability and energy efficiency in the construction and start-up of commercial establishments.

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