SiGLA News

SiGLA enters the Mediterranean Infrastructure Management company

SiGLA enters the Gestora Mediterránea de Infraestructuras company to complete the development of the Francisco Norte car park in Marbella with an investment of 12 million euros.

The Francisco Norte car park in Marbella will be completed with the participation of SiGLA, a company specialized in the development of commercial equipment projects.

SiGLA enters the Gestora Mediterránea de Infraestructuras company with a significant participation to finish launching a car park that has been unemployed for years.

It is an infrastructure of 684 parking spaces in the heart of the city, very close to the Town Hall and the historic center with a high population density and areas for exclusively pedestrian use.

The site has suffered a complicated history until the investment company Gestora Mediterránea de Infraestructuras bought it from Banco Popular in February of this year 2013. Since then, the new owner has been working with the City Council on the details and the best way to finish and put this endowment of notable importance for Marbella is underway. This is when SiGLA enters the corporate participation as a specialist company. This company will coordinate the technical development, acting as an essential agent to unblock the work and complete the necessary equipment and facilities to be able to accommodate vehicles and offer parking spaces to the public.

The car park consists of 2 underground floors with a constructed area of ​​approximately 9,250 m2. to house 340 vehicles per floor. It has four cores of stairs as pedestrian access and exit to the surface and two large ramps as vehicle access and exit. It is precisely the access and exit of vehicles that is currently being studied by SiGLA professionals with the City Council to improve the circulation of the closest environment in light of the impact that the upcoming implementation of the parking lot will produce, facilitating traffic to and from Ricardo Soriano Avenue, the city’s main thoroughfare.