SiGLA News

Indigo acquires floor -1 of the Fco. Norte Parking


Property of Gestora Mediterránea de Infraestructuras.

SiGLA agrees to sell the first floor of the Francisco Norte Parking in Marbella

Indigo, which was already managing the parking lot since its opening, acquired the real estate asset this spring of 2016.

The opening of the car park, in November 2014, was an important milestone for Marbella as it added nearly 700 parking spaces to the city centre.

Located between Ricardo Soriano Avenue and the Paseo Marítimo, close to the pedestrian historic center and the Town Hall, the car park has two underground floors: The first, with 330 parking spaces, intended for use as rotating parking with ticket and the second , with 345 seats, reserved for the private use of individuals and investors who wish to own spaces.

Before its opening, SiGLA already closed an operation management agreement with Vinci Park Spain, today Indigo, for the business of the first parking floor; agreement that is now expanded with the sale of 50% of the real estate asset.

Vinci Park Spain belongs to the Vinci industrial group and has operated in Spain since 1994, currently managing 40 car parks throughout the country.

The Vinci Group, of French origin, is one of the largest European companies in the construction, public infrastructure, energy and water sectors, and operates in more than 100 countries employing 183,000 people around the world. In November 2015, Vinci grouped the parking business under the Indigo banner.

With this sale, SiGLA achieves an important objective in the development of this operation and in the business plan of the investment company Gestora Mediterránea de Infraestructuras.