SiGLA News

SiGLA starts two gas stations, one in Guipúzcoa and another in Mallorca.

After the recent openings in Gerona and Estella.

SiGLA begins the development of two new compact gas stations in Azkoitia, Guipúzcoa and Sa Pobla, Mallorca.

With these there will be four compact or “low cost” gas stations that SiGLA delivers to its customers in 2018.

July 2 was the start date of work on two new developments in SiGLA’s Project Management area; Previously, its engineering department was completing the respective projects for two compact gas stations, one in the Guipuzcoan town of Azkoitia and the other in the northern interior of Mallorca, in Sa Pobla.

The case of the Guipuzcoan implementation is located in the parking lot of an Eroski supermarket and responds to the compact gas station model developed by SiGLA. A self-service A diesel and 95 gasoline supply point with a pump two blocks away, a canopy and an installation closet. It is worth highlighting the minimal space that this facility occupies since only four parking spaces have been sacrificed for its implementation.
At the same time, the Mallorcan gas station that is launched will be the third implementation of SiGLA in the Balearic Islands, after the Binissalem gas station, also in Mallorca, and the opening of another compact gas station in San Luis, this time on the island of Menorca. Both between 2016 and 2017. In this case it is a compact gas station but with two pumps in line, and it is located in an expansion of the parking area that was carried out for this purpose.
In both cases they are facilities that do not require personnel, operating in self-service 24 hours a day with a credit, debit or prepaid card, although during opening hours of the attached supermarket its staff assists gas station customers if requested. .
The coincidence of dates at the beginning of works will mean that the opening of both will take place in the month of October, although the Mallorcan gas station will consume the entire month.
With the opening on March 22 of a compact gas station for Caprabo on Pedret Street in Gerona, and on June 28 of another gas station for Eroski in Estella, Navarra, there are four developments of this type that will be completed by SiGLA in 2018 .